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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Smile on Me (MV)
Date: 2004/07/05 10:21:17
Reference: msg/03359

Hi Yun,

Crazy T. is one of the host MC at Utaban.
As mentioned in Seiko at Sony's official website, they are at the same
grade during studying (not sure whether it means they are classmate, but
if my memory is right, Seiko was in a female school).

If you have watched also "Tunnels", you will know who he is.  Both Seiko
and Crazy T. are very good friends.


Siu Bee

Date:6/29/1998. Yuninsg 's message 

>Thanks for the update! Seiko looks splendid indeed, and energetic!
>Btw, does anyone know about this crazy T fella? Who is he and how did get the privilege to sing a duet with Seiko?
>In Singapore
>Date:6/29/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>It is now available 
>>Seiko still looks very pretty!  Crazy T does not look so crazy :-)
>>Siu Bee