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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: New TV Drama Participation
Date: 2004/09/05 13:55:38
Reference: msg/03388

The story's message is "One's happiness has nothing to do with length of one's lifespan".
Seiko plays a mother to a son who was discovered a month after delivery, to be
suffering from Down Syndrome and has one year to life. He eventually lives for 6years.

The script sold one of the top sellers in Japan last year. The story line was
adapted by a local insurance company in their commercial ad. It showed a father
holding on tightly to his Down Syndrome son. Supporting the commercial, is the
song by Oda Kazumasa entitled "no words can express" (loosely translated). 
The same song will be used in the drama. 

The commercial and the novel has caught alot of attention that it is now 
adapted for TV screen. It was reported that the (brand) images of Seiko-novel-CM 
were completed at odds, but the casting crew thought Seiko's wide and vast experience 
in both her career and her personal life, makes her a perfect choice in this
role that required someone to have had real experiences with emotional extremities. 

Filming has started and the staff are confident of their choice. They reported
that Seiko had revealed another side of herself whenever she was with the 5yr
old boy, ...a motherly side that is only possible had not Seiko been a real 
mother in her private life. Prior filming, Seiko had insisted to meet up with 
the boy (who was a Down Syndrome patient in real life) and was greatly moved 
and motivated. She admited that she had cried over many times as she read the 
novel and felt very honoured to be given the chance to be involved in the drama.

Seiko's last drama with local TV was 1994. This show will be showed in Hi-vision, 
and catered for the blind as well as the hearing imparied viewers.

Personal note:
Don't know if the Insurance company would be sponsoring the drama or not. 
Definitely, Seiko as the choice for the role is an excellent marketing decision. 
Her current exposure and attention given by the media recently is at its peak
since 2000, and would most probably continue till next year (Seiko's 25th anniversay).
Her fans are mostly in the 30s and 40s, with family. The insurance industry in
Japan has never been given more attention by the individuals than ever before
as insecurity towards their National pension scheme continues not to improve. 
I see alot of commericals on insurance nowadays. Nett-nett it would be a win-win 
situation for both Seiko and insurance company.