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Name: Vantic <E-mail>
Subject: Re: New TV Drama Participation
Date: 2004/09/05 22:38:30
Reference: msg/03391

I couldnt agree more that Seiko is the best choice for this drama.

In real life, Seiko is a mother before and she did mention that 
bringing up Sayaka was really a challenge and a greatest
treasure in her life. This is demonstrated with the song 
for the love of her daughter in Watashi dake no Angel.

Besides, the passing of Seiko's father and her mother-in-law also have
great emotional impact in her life whom both of them she held great
respect.  I still remember one talk show (which leave a very deep 
impression on me) when the host read out the 
letter written to Seiko from her father when she first 
started out as a singer. She cried so badly in front of 
the TV until her eyes and nose all turn so red.

Again, I think Seiko has worked so hard all these years and she
deserve all these.  As the saying goes "The more you work, the 
more lucky you are".  We need to work hard for chances to visit

Banzai Seiko