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Name: Willie <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko's new role on TV
Date: 2004/09/30 01:08:11

Timing couldn't be better for Seiko. It would be interesting to see how 
this can help her land more challenging roles on TV screen and cineplex.
Seiko fans in JP, please give us more updates as the story progresses.
There are several high-profile Asian American actors in Hollywood, but
the simple fact is that most have had a limited choice as far as roles,
mostly branded to the martial-arts cinema/genre. There is an interesting 
article by Chicago-Sun Times about Asian actress finding work in Hollywood:

On a personal note, we have survived four hurricanes (typhoons in Asia)
these past six weeks. Some folks in Florida have lost their lives, homes 
and suffered damages. We have a hole in our roof from the fallen tree but 
we will survive.