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Name: Mike From S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: A Special Thank You, and a Dream Come True
Date: 2004/10/11 14:19:25

Hi everyone.

I just posted something on "Seiko Matsuda Forever: Phase III" that I've wanted
to post for a long, long time.

I used several photos from the "Call Me" video, but the "star" of the picture is
that I have made a special wallpaper of EVERY person who has signed ANY SMF
guest book since 1999.

There are two exceptions:

1). Takachan, creator of this site. In Japanese culture it is a tradition to bow
in order to show respect. Takachan, I bow to you for your efforts on this Web
Site. You inspired me to create both versions of SMF. You introduced me to 
Seiko's fans...what wonderful people. I could not possibly respect you more.
It does not matter how many Seiko Web Sites there are. YOURS will always be the BEST.
Arigato Gozaimasu

2). A second person who does not wish to be named, and I will respect that wish.
This person is the "kokoro" of SMF...the "fight and believe" spirit, who is
every bit as responsible for what you see. This person has my respect, my
friendship, my love, my admiration "eternally."

Thank you all. It has been a difficult last couple of years. I have my Seiko
Spirit back. You will be seeing more frequent SMF updates.

Best regards,
