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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: A Special Thank You, and a Dream Come True
Date: 2004/10/12 05:22:51
Reference: msg/03408

Welcome back Mike!

Date:10/11/1998. Mike From S.C. 's message 

>Hi everyone.
>I just posted something on "Seiko Matsuda Forever: Phase III" that I've wanted
>to post for a long, long time.
>I used several photos from the "Call Me" video, but the "star" of the picture is
>that I have made a special wallpaper of EVERY person who has signed ANY SMF
>guest book since 1999.
>There are two exceptions:
>1). Takachan, creator of this site. In Japanese culture it is a tradition to bow
>in order to show respect. Takachan, I bow to you for your efforts on this Web
>Site. You inspired me to create both versions of SMF. You introduced me to 
>Seiko's fans...what wonderful people. I could not possibly respect you more.
>It does not matter how many Seiko Web Sites there are. YOURS will always be the BEST.
>Arigato Gozaimasu
>2). A second person who does not wish to be named, and I will respect that wish.
>This person is the "kokoro" of SMF...the "fight and believe" spirit, who is
>every bit as responsible for what you see. This person has my respect, my
>friendship, my love, my admiration "eternally."
>Thank you all. It has been a difficult last couple of years. I have my Seiko
>Spirit back. You will be seeing more frequent SMF updates.
>Best regards,