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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko and Utada
Date: 2004/10/16 01:40:37
Reference: msg/03415

Dear friends,

The fact that Utada's CD only hit #160 must be a big disappointment in the Japanese music industry.  I wonder if there's any single release.  This looks so bad when compared with William Hung's top 40 debut.

There must be something wrong with the campaign.  Back in 90, Seiko appeared in TIME magazine.  At least 'The Right Combination' was heavily played in radio stations, hitting top 10 in some regions.  At least the video was played in some MTV channels.  And we are so proud of Seiko targeting the right audience in 'Area 62' with 'Just for tonight' hitting top 20 in the dance chart.  Even Pink Lady hit top 40 in the 70s!  It is too early to tell the success or failure of Utada but I think the marketng guys better reveal their strategy for a single release (assuming I am not aware of it).

I have no idea on the chart stat of 'Was it the future'  Maybe somebody can answer.

Benjamin Lee

Date:10/15/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear friends,
>There are quite many news about Utada's first English album 《 EXODUS 》
>I tried to hear the songs!  Not because I hate or not hate Utada, but
>just feel there is something wrong and the kind of wrong is like what I
>found with Seiko's "Was it the future" album.
>The bad thing is that Hong Kong's reporter had not added any negative words
>nor bad comments to Utada as they did for Seiko before.  According to the
>report, Utada's album is on Billboard #160 only. Does anyone remember what
>rank "Was it the future" in?
>Siu Bee