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Name: Vote Seiko <E-mail>
Subject: Vote Seiko
Date: 2004/10/16 15:35:44

If you want to vote Seiko over and over again, and do not want to wait,
you can go to 'Tools' - 'Internet Options'. Then click on 'Delete Cookies'
'Delete Files' and 'Clear History'. As long as there is another person vote
for Seiko before you vote again, you will be able to cast another vote.
(there might be other ways to get around but that's how I do it. If you
are a computer genuis and have other tips to share go ahead to share it)
Seiko is only about 100 votes behind No 1, Akina.  Not sure what does this
voting mean, probably nothing. But just for the hack of it. I don't 
wnat Akina to win this game, and don't think she should. See Oct 12 Benjamin Lee's posting for details.