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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Vote Seiko
Date: 2004/10/16 17:39:49
Reference: msg/03419

PLEASE VOTE VOTE VOTE.  Seiko is less than 100 votes behind 


Great to hear some good news of Utada.  Is there a single cut
of the song 'Devil'?

Benjamin Lee

Date:10/16/1998. Vote Seiko 's message 

>If you want to vote Seiko over and over again, and do not want to wait,
>you can go to 'Tools' - 'Internet Options'. Then click on 'Delete Cookies'
>'Delete Files' and 'Clear History'. As long as there is another person vote
>for Seiko before you vote again, you will be able to cast another vote.
>(there might be other ways to get around but that's how I do it. If you
>are a computer genuis and have other tips to share go ahead to share it)
>Seiko is only about 100 votes behind No 1, Akina.  Not sure what does this
>voting mean, probably nothing. But just for the hack of it. I don't 
>wnat Akina to win this game, and don't think she should. See Oct 12 Benjamin Lee's posting for details.