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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Drama
Date: 2004/10/23 23:19:32

Vantic, Willie, all,

This is a follow-up to my 9/05 posting. There was an one hour making of the 
drama shown on TV today. Narated by Seiko, it was very much a documentary of
Japan's first involvement of a DownSyndrome child for commercial tv program. 

Very tastefully and respectfully done. The cast and the crew did one hell of a 
super great job. The star of the entire drama and the documentary were the 
child with Down Syndrome, his monther who was with him all the while during filming,
and all the others who are in similar plight. Yes, Seiko is probably the crowd
puller for the drama and for the publicility, but not this time. 

The drama looks promising, and so is Seiko's performance. (:p) Well, the fans are 
waiting impatiently for this Tues to come. My hunch is that this drama will end 
up my favourite two works by actress Seiko other than her first movie in 1981.

Here are links
 (click the second link after "contents" located at the bottom of the page. 
  You can get to another link where you can see alot more pictures)
 (click the grey box located right at the bottom, and then click the red big dot)

Seiko was said to have cried so much during the drama preview for the press, 
that she was late for the press interview as she had to puff up her teary face.
The director gave full praise to Seiko. He was surprised that Seiko intentionally
spent much time to be closer to the child in between takes and was not bothered
that she was out in the sun.... (as most would be under the shades)
