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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Drama
Date: 2004/10/24 01:15:49
Reference: msg/03428

Seiko is featured in the cover of one of those 'Ladies' weekly.  I 
browsed through inside and the article talks about similar message
as told by shopgirl.

As far as voting is concerned, I think we should continue to 
vote 'legally'.

'Best of Best 27' is still available in Tower Records
 near Den Den Town, Osaka.

The Book of Seiko by Tokyo FM is a MUST BUY item.  Other artists
published by the same publisher include Beatles, Eagles, Alfee
as well as Misora Hibari.

The Book include all Singles, Albums, Greatest hits.  For example,
the cover of US, UK and even Holland version of 'The Right 
Combination' is shown.  There's also 'All the Way to Heaven''s
UK cover and the US cover of 'Who's That Boy'.  There's
also the 12 inch single cover of 'All to You' and 'Good for You'.  

That's not all.  All of Seiko's concert in detail (no of cities
and no. of shows) are included.  You might thought she had the 
most shows in 83-85.  The answer is no.  She had the most shows
in 95-98.

And then her videos and movies...etc.
All in all, this is a book that ALL seiko fans must have.

Benjamin Lee