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Name: glen <E-mail>
Subject: Re: seiko's drama tatta hitotsu no takara mono
Date: 2004/11/22 03:30:58
Reference: msg/03448

Yes Siu Bee I did cry a bit if you want a copy
i can make one for you as you and me are Tim's friend
and Seiko's fan. I will do any thing for Seiko's fans.

Date:11/20/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear glen and all,
>You are so lucky!  Did you cry?!
>I heard that the drama will be recorded into DVD version for sale.
>Not sure when it will be released!
>Siu Bee
>>I just received seiko's drama from my japanese
>>friend. It's so touching. Seiko's acting is 
>>perfect. I give her a 100% for her acting.