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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: TV Drama
Date: 2004/11/30 15:09:10
Reference: msg/03456

Hi Simon, Tim and all,

Though, the obvious difference made the whole thing very bad!
And I believe everyone can see this, then Seiko appeared to be
unprofessional!  That's something I do not want to see!

Are you all saving money for next year's trip?  If so, please try to
compromise a destination, so that we all can meet!  Is it Tokyo the place?!

Best regards,

Siu Bee

>Of course there is lip synching, Seiko has been doing that in
>her concert for a long time. There are some songs where she
>sings live, the ones without all the dancing. It's hard to dance
>around and sing perfectly at the same time.
>Her performance in the TV drama is amazing, that's the MUST-SEE.