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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: New single no.34
Date: 2005/02/13 15:13:42
Reference: msg/03527

Dear all,
>Don・t worry that the new single of Seiko only hit #34 the first week.
>It is true that this one is less popular than .Aitai・, but part of it is because sales of the week of Feb. 2 was particularly strong.
>I had three copies of Oricon Weekly dated Nov 1, July 26, and July 5 last year.
>Looking at Feb 2・s no. 30 single which had sales of 7,292 copies, it would had been no. 16, no. 20 and no.20 respectively.
>So even if we assume Seiko・s #34 new single had only 6,000 copies of sale, the single would have debut in no 20, no. 22 and no. 24 in those 3 weeks respectively! I can・t wait to see the live performance of this new single. 

>Having said that, let・s continue to support Seiko and look forward to her new CD in April 6th.
>Happy Chinese New Year!!