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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Advice needed for 2005 concert!!
Date: 2005/02/25 11:23:13
Reference: msg/03540

Dear Yun,

They are sell at the same price, but usually it will be very difficult to
get those seats from the public sales networks.  Then, higher prices will
be required either by bidding in the auction sites or from those who sell
tickets right at the hall entrance.

"SOF 25th anniversary concert tour group" are targeting at the Budokan shows
either!  Now we have Doogie, Simon and I (surely going); Benjamin (depends on
schedule).  Should I put you in the surely going group?! ;-)
Who else?!

Siu Bee

>Hi Siu Bee,
>I am thinking of seeing it in Budokan, Tokyo... which means July.
>What about those seats near the stage? Will they be more expensive than 7500 yen? I want to see Seiko close!!
>Thanks a lot.
>in Sinagpore
>Date:2/24/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>Hi Yun,
>>The standard ticket price is 7,500 yen.
>>I will also watch out for the online booking details in Seiko's website.
>>Which show are you planning to go?
>>Siu Bee
>>>Hi Fans,
>>>This being my first time, I need some advice.
>>>How do I get tickets for the 2005 concert tour? According to the info on 
>>>, on-line booking is available from Mar 2005?
>>>Also, what is the ticket price? Should I book it as soon as possible, in
>>>case the tickets are sold out?
>>>Thanks for advice!! See you there!!
>>>in Singapore