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Name: Yun <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Advice needed for 2005 concert!!
Date: 2005/02/27 16:54:56
Reference: msg/03541

Hi Siu Bee,

Yeah, i am definitely in the "surely going" group!! 

in Singapore

Date:2/25/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear Yun,
>They are sell at the same price, but usually it will be very difficult to
>get those seats from the public sales networks.  Then, higher prices will
>be required either by bidding in the auction sites or from those who sell
>tickets right at the hall entrance.
>"SOF 25th anniversary concert tour group" are targeting at the Budokan shows
>either!  Now we have Doogie, Simon and I (surely going); Benjamin (depends on
>schedule).  Should I put you in the surely going group?! ;-)
>Who else?!
>Siu Bee
>>Hi Siu Bee,
>>I am thinking of seeing it in Budokan, Tokyo... which means July.
>>What about those seats near the stage? Will they be more expensive than 7500 yen? I want to see Seiko close!!
>>Thanks a lot.
>>in Sinagpore
>>Date:2/24/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>>Hi Yun,
>>>The standard ticket price is 7,500 yen.
>>>I will also watch out for the online booking details in Seiko's website.
>>>Which show are you planning to go?
>>>Siu Bee
>>>>Hi Fans,
>>>>This being my first time, I need some advice.
>>>>How do I get tickets for the 2005 concert tour? According to the info on 
>>>>, on-line booking is available from Mar 2005?
>>>>Also, what is the ticket price? Should I book it as soon as possible, in
>>>>case the tickets are sold out?
>>>>Thanks for advice!! See you there!!
>>>>in Singapore