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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Yuji Toriyama (my hero! hahaa) homepage
Date: 2005/03/01 17:01:18
Reference: msg/03538

I can't read Japanese,..anyways, send Mr. Toriyama my regards on a this
Mission Impossible,... very well done!

Date:2/24/1998. shopgirl 's message 

>Hi Doogie and all,
>Enjoyed reading your review.... You are right, it is really such a waste that
>there wasn't any credits given to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
>Even the promotion itself (including the obi leaflet on the CD) did not give
>any mention... What a shame, what a waste. This single could have reached out
>to many many more people and music lovers of other kinds of music rather than
>typical JPOP.
>Let's give this guy some encourangements :)
>You can find his email address in his homepage