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Name: Takachan <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Where is JPOP shop of Sg?
Date: 2005/04/17 22:45:44
Reference: msg/03584

Hi Glen and Benjamin,
Thank you for reply my msg.

At last, I cannot find new album in sg store.
I got to know that it's difficult to get Seiko new album quickly.

I had gone to Sino Centre at 3rd visit.
It's very interesting place for me and Japanese too.
I'd like to go to Sino centre on June.
See you.


>Hi takachan,
>Looking forward to see you in Hong KOng!!
>Even in HMV - Hong Kong, we cannot be 100% sure that
>Seiko's CD will be available.  But usually, there will
>be a few copies available maybe two weeks to one month
>after the release date.  For example, there were 2-3
>copies of 'Aitai' in each HMV store and they are all sold
>out now.  Taiwanese version of 'Sunshine' and 'Best of
>Best 13' are also available.
>In Mongkok's Sino Centre, Seiko's release are available
>a few days BEFORE the release date, but they are very 
>Benjamin Lee
>>Usually we order from japan because HMV is not longer importing Seiko's CD.
>>So tim and I usually oder from friends.