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Name: Mike From S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: I bought "Fairy" today...Seiko's BEST album since "Forever"
Date: 2005/04/21 05:41:23

Hi everyone,

I have been so busy lately that I didn't realize Seiko's new album had been released. I went to Kinokuniya in hopes of finding "The First Quarter," Nanase Aikawa's new ballad album. I looked at the "new release" rack and said "HEY! That's SEIKO!" :-)

All I can say is ARIGATO GOZAIMASU to Yuji Toriyama.

What a DIFFERENCE between this an "Love and Emotion." I've bought Seiko's releases since "Forever" as a loyal fan. I've found an isolated song here and there that I felt was "good" but not always "great." 

"Fairy" is the sound of MY SEIKO. 

Imagine her voice as a rare, beautiful instrument, like a Stradivarius violin. In the hands of a master, the sound would be so sweet that it could make you cry. In the hands of a child, it would be the same instrument, but it could not possibly sound its best.

Harada was a child. Ryo a master. The beautiful instrument sounds beautiful once again

I hope she is back..."FOREVER."

Best regards,
