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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: TOP 10 and Mike
Date: 2005/04/23 01:28:49
Reference: msg/03590

Hi Benjamin and all,

I posted the first photo (large) from "Fairy" on SMF III already:

I probably will not be able to attend Seiko's 25th anniversary concert, but I am very excited about the "rebirth" of her music.

Best regards,


Date:4/23/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>The answer is YES YES YES.  It debut at No.7 in 
>the oricon weekly chart, making it her 40th Top
>10 album in 25 years, the no.1 female artist (tie
>with Yuming) having the most Top 10.
>Nice to hear from you again.  I'm glad you like
>'Fairy'.  Just like I do.  Seiko's vocal is
>terrific!  The musical arrangement
>is great also!!  Hope to hear from you more
>often and looking forward to the download of 
>pics in the website.  
>Will you attend the 25th anniversary concert?
>Date:4/22/1998. Zelda 's message 
>>Can anyone confirm if Fairy ends up in Top 10 of 
>>the  Oricon weekly album chart?