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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Your Seiko memories, and MR&O seiko music website
Date: 2005/04/26 12:51:59

Hello everyone, Zelda, Benjamin, Mike,

ps. I don't blame you for missing the new release after all that HS materials :p

Here is another reason to celebrate... Music Review and Opinions (MR&O)

I have found this website recently and I think it is what was missing in most
sites all along. A focus on Seiko's music and songs and live performances. 
This site introduces Seiko as a singer, which for most of us is what Seiko 
is... "that unforgettable voice" (copyright from Seiko Forever website:p)

It provides statistical data, and background info of every song of Seiko's. 
I have been a Seiko fan for many years now and I must say that this data bank is
really quite awesome and accurate. It is a dream site for anyone especially 
those who do not understand Japanese, and those who want to know more about 
Seiko the singer...  Perfect timing as like Mike had said... Seiko is back and 
if I may add, even better :) What is time-skip from 1998 Forever to 2005 Fairy.  

I will be writing my memories of Seiko's songs into that website...  and I 
would love to hear and read about yours as well. :)

Homepage :
English :

Questionnaire :
(ending 4/30, will be sent to sony, sun music and fantic)
