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Name: Yun <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Shopgirl Seiko in Singapore Chinese Paper
Date: 2005/04/27 01:14:21
Reference: msg/03595

Hi Vantic,

Which day's paper? Is it zao bao or wan bao? I must go and look for it!!


Date:4/27/1998. Vantic 's message 

>My dad cut out an Chinese Newspaper article praising
>Seiko so much, was so so surprised at this superb 
>Is says Seiko - never ever lose to those young idols
>It also says seiko is so well maintained and you cant
>guess that she is 43 years old, my god.The pic feature
>her wearing a bikini swimming costume with floral
>prints.  She really look like a young little girl.