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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko 'Fairy' Concert - Just For Tonight 29.07.2005
Date: 2005/04/29 00:31:01
Reference: msg/03604

I am going to the first concert.  Thanks to my former
Japanese classmate studied in Wisconsin, USA 
who is working in Tokyo now getting tickets
for me.

Date:4/28/1998. Tim 's message 

>Dear Siu Bee, Benjamin , and all,
>Glen, myself & Vantic (from Singapore) will attend seiko concert 
>at Tokyo. Thanks to Glen and his loyal 
>japanese friend (Akira & Toyoko) for getting us the concert tickets. 
>Feeling excited and looking forward to it (>_<)
>Who else is going ? From Hong Kong ? Canada ? USA ? Hope to hear from u guys.
>Take care & enjoy . .