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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: SOF Summer Countdown
Date: 2005/05/17 23:18:31
Reference: msg/03618

Hey, Simon, won't be alone!
Keep your fingers crossed, she may just sing your fave.!
(or you could always make a personal request *hint*)

Date:5/16/1998. Simon 's message 

>Come on Guys, in about 10 weeks, I'll be walking
>the streets of Tokyo, getting ready for the summer 
>concerts. Aren't you getting excited? I hope Seiko
>sings Sweet Memories this year, of all the concerts 
>that I have been to, she has never sang my favourite
>song. She probably will not this year either, it's 
>more of a sad song, not fitting for the 25th party.