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Name: Antony <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko will hold her first concert in Taiwan on August 20.
Date: 2005/07/06 15:47:34
Reference: msg/03660


Date:6/29/1998. Antony 's message 

>Dear Benjamin Lee,
>I understood~ Don't worry about the matter.(*^0^*)
>Best regards,
>Date:6/28/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 
>>Date:6/27/1998. Antony 's message 
>>Dear Antony,
>>Haven't decided but will try my best to come.
>>Have you purchased tickets?  Please keep us
>>overseas fans update.
>>Benjamin Lee
>>>Dear Benjamin Lee,
>>>Are you planning to Taiwan for Seiko's concert?? 
>>>If yes, I want to talk to you for Seiko's everything 
>>>during your trip in Taiwan!!(^^)
>>>Date:6/27/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 
>>>>Thanks Antony for the great news!!
>>>>Date:6/27/1998. Antony 's message 
>>>>>Dear shopgirl, Siu Bee and all fans,
>>>>>How are you today? I hope everything is well.
>>>>>Regarding Seiko's concert ticket, please visit
>>>>>the website at
>>>>>or contact with the local sponsor "Asia Rainbow 
>>>>>international Co.,Ltd." in Taiwan directly. The 
>>>>>phone number is 886-2-25451149.
>>>>>I hope that the answer is satisfy you!
>>>>>Best regards,