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Name: Antony <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's Taiwan Concert
Date: 2005/07/21 01:04:30
Reference: msg/03670

Hi Siu Bee,

Please visit the website at

step 1:fill out the form, it's free charge

step 2:Purchase the tickets (NT$3500, NT$3000, NT$1800,  
NT$1200 or NT$900) from the internet, I got 2-ticket
today! Of course, I purchased the special A seat(NT$3500)

step 3:Payment by credit card

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you still have any 
other questions.


Date:7/20/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear Anthony,
>Thank you very much!  But a Taiwan address is required.
>Do you know the way for overseas fans to buy?
>Thank you!
>Siu Bee
>Date:7/20/1998. Antony 's message 
>>Dear All,
>>Please visit the web site at to purchase Seiko's concert ticket!!
>>Date:7/19/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>>Dear Friends,
>>>Seiko's Taiwan concert ticket price:
>>>Seat type         Price
>>>Special A         3,500 NTD
>>>A                 3,000 NTD
>>>B (2 types)       2,000 or 2,500 NTD
>>>Best regards,
>>>Siu Bee