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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Biggest SOF gathering
Date: 2005/08/01 23:51:49
Reference: msg/03683

Both Budokan shows are just perfect!  And I clapped double hard for
Ogura san to just welcome him back!

I did not even realize there is another fans from Hong Kong who also
attended both shows!

The photographer of "Red sweet pea" photo album was there on the first
night; every body was rushing towards to the first row to see whether a
pretty young lady, who was wearing a hat sitting on the first floor south
stand first row, was Sayaka chan.

We overseas fans were all gone crazy, shouting here and there and Seiko
was like, no surprise to know that she could attract overseas fans flying
all the way from another part of the world to Japan just to see her.
Seiko was also speaking "tse tse" (thank you in mandarin) to Hong Kong fans.

Gonna see what she will do in the Taiwan concert!

Siu Bee

Date:8/1/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Simon and Doogie,
>I feel so happy and so proud of you.  It must be tiring to 
>waive the flag for X hours.....and you've got what you want!!
>Other fans.....waiting to hear your story.
>Date:8/1/1998. Simon 's message 
>>I just returned from the two most excellent concerts at the Budokan.
>>And I must say that Seiko's voice is at its peak, it's everything
>>coming together- confidence, voice , happiness. It was an amazing
>>experience, she even recognize Doogie and my presence. Well, she
>>couldn't help it, we were waving a Canada flag the size of a desk. 
>>She thanked us for coming all that way and acknowledged the Singapore,
>>HK and Taiwan fans as well. I met many others that contribute here 
>>as well. And of course Takachan, I have not had so much beer in a
>>long time.
>>All I can say is I went to heaven and saw the Fairy.
>>P.S.- Seiko even sang Sweet Memories, the first time I
>>hear my favourite song live.