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Name: Jia <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Biggest SOF gathering
Date: 2005/08/02 00:11:08
Reference: msg/03684

Gee I don't want to hear it.
I'm so jealous.
Are you people able to "tape" those performances?

Date:8/1/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Both Budokan shows are just perfect!  And I clapped double hard for
>Ogura san to just welcome him back!
>I did not even realize there is another fans from Hong Kong who also
>attended both shows!
>The photographer of "Red sweet pea" photo album was there on the first
>night; every body was rushing towards to the first row to see whether a
>pretty young lady, who was wearing a hat sitting on the first floor south
>stand first row, was Sayaka chan.
>We overseas fans were all gone crazy, shouting here and there and Seiko
>was like, no surprise to know that she could attract overseas fans flying
>all the way from another part of the world to Japan just to see her.
>Seiko was also speaking "tse tse" (thank you in mandarin) to Hong Kong fans.
>Gonna see what she will do in the Taiwan concert!
>Siu Bee
>Date:8/1/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 
>>Simon and Doogie,
>>I feel so happy and so proud of you.  It must be tiring to 
>>waive the flag for X hours.....and you've got what you want!!
>>Other fans.....waiting to hear your story.
>>Date:8/1/1998. Simon 's message 
>>>I just returned from the two most excellent concerts at the Budokan.
>>>And I must say that Seiko's voice is at its peak, it's everything
>>>coming together- confidence, voice , happiness. It was an amazing
>>>experience, she even recognize Doogie and my presence. Well, she
>>>couldn't help it, we were waving a Canada flag the size of a desk. 
>>>She thanked us for coming all that way and acknowledged the Singapore,
>>>HK and Taiwan fans as well. I met many others that contribute here 
>>>as well. And of course Takachan, I have not had so much beer in a
>>>long time.
>>>All I can say is I went to heaven and saw the Fairy.
>>>P.S.- Seiko even sang Sweet Memories, the first time I
>>>hear my favourite song live.