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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Taiwan Concert
Date: 2005/08/06 00:22:49
Reference: msg/03694

Antony and other Taiwanese fans, 

Your good reception in 1996 pays off.  Because of your
strong support, Seiko selected Taiwan.
I should have put more support back in 1996 when she
came to HK.  Well, enjoy the show.

For the HK fans going to Taiwan, we need you to yell
out 'please come to HK'.....


Date:8/3/1998. Antony 's message 

>Date:8/2/1998. Jia 's message 
>>Wow she looks as great as ever.
>>Too bad I can't hear Seiko say
>>Date:8/2/1998. Antony 's message 
>>>Date:8/2/1998. Jia 's message 
>>>>Can someone in Taipei record those TV footages?
>>>>Date:8/2/1998. Antony 's message 
>>>>>Dear All,
>>>>>Seiko will stay 2 days and will launch a campaign of 
>>>>>publicity for her concert in Taiwan.