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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Teeth
Date: 2005/08/10 03:11:07

What are you suggesting? That Seiko had plastic had some
cosmetic work done? Yes, her teeth are changed because for
a singer to have those uneven Japanese teeth would not be
appropriate, especially not Seiko's status. But the rest 
of her is untouched, she had great features to begin with.
It's just that when we get older, our body changes, it's
natural. I think she looks better now as she's a woman. In
the 80's, she was a girl. A very cute girl I must say.

I used to have a six-pack stomach muscle when I was young,
now all I have is one big round pack. I am not aging
gracefully. I think I am the one that need some cosmetic
work done.