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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Please!!
Date: 2005/08/15 23:45:13

Please people, if you want to have a war, do it in
private messaging. Most of us are not interested in
that type of exchange here.

If one of you said the songs are hard to sing. And
another says the songs are easy to sing. That's quite
allright, maybe you are both correct. It's cool, no
big deal. Double or triple postings are often just 
technical mistakes, it's not the end of the world.
Using the word "Japs" is totally insulting, I hope
you didn't mean it. 

This forum is a place to discuss and exchange informations,
views and experiences of Seiko. A lot of people have made
a lot of friends here. This is a friendly environment.
And we hope to make more friends here, not enemies. Just
imagine a new person just log into this forum and see the
exchange, he/she might just get turned off and not return.
I am sure Takachan our web site host agrees with me.