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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Please!!
Date: 2005/08/16 10:34:02

This is amazing Jia because you seem to know how much
history I know, what I read and watch. And you probably
had coffee with my grandparents. I wouldn't need to read 
my horoscope anymore, I can just ask you.

I have been on this forum for a long time, thanks to
you, it has turned into a racial political rambling.
If you want to vent about the WWII, there are other
web sites. If you want to talk Seiko, this is the Best
place on the internet, and you are welcome here. Let's
just try to keep the subject on Seiko music. This is a
place for fun and happiness, and maybe a little karaoke
wouldn't hurt. If I want to read about wars, I can just
read the newspaper, don't need to trouble you.