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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Taiwan concert
Date: 2005/08/25 16:53:07
Reference: msg/03738

I think that noodle house is hiring a part-time cook.  :P

Date:8/23/1998. Simon 's message 

>After reading Shopgirl's review in MR&O, I really hope that
>it was recorded and soon released on DVD. It will be a side
>of Seiko Live that we've never seen before. I have always
>enjoyed her wit and humor, she can be a great comedy actress.
>She has done a lot of comedic roles on TV specials, and
>in comedy, timing is everything. Like Shopgirl said, it has
>been a great year, a great 25th. But Wait! The year is not
>over yet- there's still dinner show and Countdown. All I can
>say for her fans is if you can attend any of Seiko's show,
>just go, you will never be disappointed.
>I think I need to find a new job in Asia so that I can go to 
>more shows more often.