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Name: shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko debuts at No.19
Date: 2005/09/23 12:47:25
Reference: msg/03775

hi Benjamin,

The site where you could see the Music Fair 21 has been removed unfortunately.
But here is some pic taken this week at the radio campagin event 

There was a story behind the sales of Sunshine, Call Me and Aitai. There were 
events and campaigns that 'forced' fans to buy minimum three copies each. 
It was such a cheap shot by Sony and I still cannot understand why Fantic 
agreed to it. Where did the Branding strategy go?

Have you heard the new single? The coupling song  "The time went by" is my 
favourite among the four songs that Ryo and Seiko had produced. If this is the 
type of sound that Ryo/Seiko combi is going for, then I wouldn't miss Toriyama 
Yuji that much. :) 

I cant wait to read the fans reviews at MR&O. Have you read SiuBee's posting? :D
