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Name: Jia Chang <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Kaze Tachi Nu
Date: 2005/10/12 14:33:46
Reference: msg/03788

That song was also performed on the 1982 NHK show

Date:10/11/1998. Yun 's message 

>Hi Siu Bee and all,
>Yes, I have never seen Seiko perform this song, ever.
>In fact, I like this song very much... it was one of the early Seiko songs that
>captivated me and left me enchanted by her voice for days.
>Btw, how can I get a copy of the Christmas Queen 82 concert? I want to see!!
>Date:10/11/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>Hi Benjamin and Malthus,
>>We talked about Kaze Tachi Nu last Friday.  Indeed this song seldom be
>>performed in Seiko's concert.  Though, it does not mean never.  I just
>>watched the Christmas Queen concert 1982, she sang this song ne!
>>Seiko's dancing was very funny in those years! ;-)
>>Siu Bee