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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Under The Beautiful Stars
Date: 2005/12/14 14:54:35
Reference: msg/03866

Dear all,

I hope Seiko will consider a concert tour w/ 
a symphony in 2006, just like Sandy Lam/Anthony Lun, and
Teresa Caripo in Hong Kong and Makihara Noriyuki in 
And to be more greedy, an English CD

Merry Xmas to all Seiko Fans, Sayaka and Seiko!!

Benjamin Lee

Date:12/13/1998. Tim 's message 

>Thanks to Seiko for giving us a Christmas album 2005. 
>It is really great . . .
>Let's recap
>21.11.1987  Snow Garden
>21.11.1991  Christmas Tree   (4 years)
>21.11.1993  A Time For Love  (2 years)
>01.11.1996  Winter Tales     (3 years)
>07.12.2005  Under the beautiful stars  (9 years)
>hope there is more to come . . .               
>maybe a 'New Year' Album or a Cover Version album : Enternal 2
>Merry Christmas To ALL Seiko Fans ! You know who you are.