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Name: Benjamin Lee
Subject: Re: Chart Info
Date: 2005/12/21 00:42:01
Reference: msg/03870
Dear all,
The chart performance isn't that bad. 'Fairy' hit the
top 10. Xmas is peak season. If you go to Oricon weekly,
you will find out the difference between one position can
be as low as 30 copies. Every piece of sales get counted.
For those of you who are thinking of buying later or
buy the 'sample' copy, please note that your purchase in
the first week might have helped Seiko to hit the top 30.
I am so happy that after 'Xmas Tree' in 91 and 'A time
for love' in 94 which have many very 'Xmas' songs comes
this ballad Xmas CD to balance it out. I have
listened to 'Xmas tree' and 'A time for love' in the past
2 days (Xmas tradition for fans?) and now turning
to the new CD tomorrow.
Date:12/18/1998. shopgirl 's message
>Hi Benjamin, Sibelo, Siu Bee,
>I too like the new album pretty much... :)
>I have put in my review at MR&O, for those of you who are still considering....
>The japan fans are divided, those who like the catchy tunes of Harada were
>disappointed, although most would agree that this year, starting with Toriyama
>was just great. No one understands why the sales were bad. But hey, at least
>we didn't have those horrid cheap-skate "scratch card per CD purchase for a
>chance to meet Seiko backstage" kind of campaign. I like what I am hearing now
>definitely, they last... :)