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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Date: 2005/12/24 12:27:43
Reference: msg/03873

Dear Seiko and Seiko Fans,

Merry Merry Xmas!!!

Seiko released many singles and CDs in both the 
20th and 25th anniversary year.

But I like this year's release much much more
than those 5 years ago.  They are more in-depth
and we will treasure them forever.  The songs
done by the orchestra or w/ trumpet saxaphone..
sounds....oh, they are so good.  'Cute' songs
such as 'I'll fall in Love' are better than
'shanghai love song'.

Finally, wishing Seiko Chan a successful 

Benjamin Lee

Date:12/23/1998. Malthus 's message 

>Dear All Seiko Fans,
>MeRrY X'mAs !!!
>Date:12/23/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>Dear all friends,
>>Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
>>Play your Seiko countdown DVD if you are not going to Osaka on 31 Dec!
>>All best wishes!
>>Siu Bee