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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Happy New Year
Date: 2006/01/02 01:01:15

Dear friends,

Happy Happy New Year!

Just back home from Osaka!  Last night's countdown was just perfect!
It was just like going back to the 80s, can you imagine Seiko was
singing Kaze Tachinu, Let's boyhunt, Star, Mafuyu no koihitotachi, Only
my love...Hosisora no doraibu (first song in Candy album) was the opening.
Though the songs are those hits in the 80s, Seiko's performance is just
excellent.  The word "perfect" was always in my mind.  A mature professional
singer, singing her young ages songs, it is just too easy for her to sing
whatever key she wants.

Interesting ending.  There were 2 encores.  When background music Aki Sweet Pea
started, fans were all singing.  It pushed to the atmosphere to top high again
so that Seiko and the band just could not go.  Fans shouting "Seiko Seiko" again.  She was a bit surprised and a little bit showing not knowing what to do.  Finally, she decided to sing "20th Party" again.  The interesting thing is
then, the background music Aki Sweet Pea came again, and fans also followed to
sing again.  I am sure most of us were thinking the same thing: "repeat what
we just did again...bring another encore!!"  We were laughing and so did Seiko!
She must knew what we were thinking, in order not to allow us to do it again 
(haha), she firmly said "Thank you very much everybody (in Japanese)" and sayonara.

Seiko brought us a very happy begining of 2006!

Wish all your wishes come true!

Siu Bee