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Name: SgFan <E-mail>
Subject: Re: 100,000 Yen
Date: 2006/04/12 21:27:22
Reference: msg/03923

Hi all,

Well these are the titles released under the Universal label. The works in
this box set are all released by Sony. 

By the way, anyone here buying this set?

Date:4/12/1998. Tim 's message 

>Dear Seiko Fans,
>The 100,000 yen limited box does not include:
>.Area 62
>.Love & Emotion Vol 1 & 2
>.20th Party
>.Seiko Remixes 2000
>.Seiko Matsuda Remixes
>.Enien no Shojo
>.My Story
>.Sweetest Times
>.Vanity Fair
>.Was it the future
>.Guardian Angel
>.etc . . 
>Why ? Can anyone explain ? 