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Name: Benjamin Lee
Subject: Re: 100,000 yen
Date: 2006/04/13 00:51:11
Reference: msg/03927
someone said if you order it through (english
version) available, you get bonus points and
maybe free postage. The bonus points may equal postage
for your future purchase.
But the point is: if you can only choose one -
buy this package or spend 4-days to see concert
(assuming same cost), what would you choose?
Date:4/12/1998. Simon 's message
>All of us oversea fans should get a discount because postal cost
>would add more to it. Maybe a power group buy. We can talk all we
>want, you all know most of us wiould end up getting it. Hey Doogie
>aren't you getting sick of the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
>Maybe skip the bread and just slap on your palms and lick it off.