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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: "Bless You" arrived today in San Jose
Date: 2006/06/02 05:20:36

Hi everyone,

I picked up the new "Bless You" single and full-length CD today at Kinokuniya.

Even before I hear the music it makes me feel so good to see "Seiko Matsuda and
Ryo Ogura" printed throughout the booklets. I know that Shinji Harada was Seiko's
friend and that she felt he had talent, but I am so happy that it is a phase of
her career that has come and gone.

I haven't had a chance to listen to either CD yet. I have to make a long drive to
a business appointment this evening and plan to bring them in the car with me.

I also posted a scan from the "Bless You" single on SMF III:

I hope you are all well, and are enjoying your new Seiko music!

Best regards,

Mike from S.C.