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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail >
Subject: Re: Dinner Show & Flag
Date: 2006/11/26 18:57:24
Reference: msg2/04019

Enquiry:  someone said the 48,000 yen include one nite stay at the hotel.
Is that true?

Date:11/22/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Looking back to 2000 and 2001, I have absolutely NO regrets spending 48000 Yen for the chance to experience a Seiko dinner show.  Put aside 130Yen each day for a whole year and you'll have enough for the ticket....or like Simon and me, start eating more peanut butter sandwiches instead of steak and you'll have enough for airfare too!
>As for the flag,......  YES, we ARE crazy Canadians that want to show Seiko international support.  :)