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Name: eric <E-mail >
Subject: Bless You Concert Live Review
Date: 2007/04/16 02:00:23

Was going to put this in MR&O but it's not working for some reason. Will put that there later. But here it is. 

2006 Bless You Concert Live.
Have been so quiet lately. In MR&O I was expecting some sensible review on Seiko’s new DVD 2006-07 Countdown Show. The Forum is dead quiet, where the fans are?
I haven’t got the new Countdown Show so cannot commend on it.  I did get this Bless You Concert DVD as a birthday gift  so let’s get on it (to be honest, I no longer spend this kind of money on Seiko’s CD and DVD. I love Seiko more than ever, but she will need to earn my money by making better music). 

First, being a very critical person, let me share my views on what I don’t like about the concert. 

I don’t like the seemingly lip-synching for the opening session (can’t prove it can I?).  You may say :Madonna lip-synch too but the different is I never consider Madonna as a vocalist. Madonna is a performaner, a great one, but she is not adored by her singing technique or singing voice.  Seiko is a great singer.  She injects life to every song she sings.  For Seiko to give up singing live because of those fool proof dance steps, it’s not worth it.  Her dancers were capable enough to provide some visual interest. Seiko can do her own thing singing live and do a few steps. Give fans what they paid for.  It has been bothering me for the longest time because it becomes a routine for Seiko to lip-synch for part of her concerts.  

Seiko’s vocal range does seem to be decreasing.  She was having a hard time hitting high notes.  Previous comments suggested that it’s a biological thing.  It might be, but vocal range can be extended through practice and training. Seiko as one of the greatest singers in Japan history should sort that out somehow.  

Lastly, couple of the new songs were just so BORING ! Bless You was okay, the others were just mediocre.  Previous comments suggested that Seiko needs to perform more new songs or she will just be a has-been star living in her old memories.  I agree 100%.  But forcefeeding fans with so-so new songs is not the answer.  Seiko must first get her act together and make some great music. Not just good ones, but exceptionally great hits to put her back on the map of today’s music scene. 

Enough of negativity, believe it or not I do enjoy this DVD.  It’s typical Seiko, being the princess in the fairy tale.  We are comfortable of her taking this role, forever and ever - because Seiko is our princess.  Though not a typical hard core fan that bought every single item, I am a fan from the bottom of my heart, that wish only good things happen to Seiko, wish her the greatest success and happiness. No doubt about it. Having said that, I really wouldn’t mind to see her injecting new elements to her concert. She can play other roles too, I am sure she is fully capable of that.  Sun Music- work on it !

I think her outfits were not bad at all this time around.  Nothing that made me want to kick the stylist’s behind anyway.  Very proud of her running out with the ‘sailor/school uniform inspired’ outfit she wore during the encore.  Very proud because she is still the energetic Seiko I have known for almost 30 years, the Seiko I love.  Her skins is exceptionally beautiful, beat many girls that are half her age.
Seiko is a petite lady, wearing something that shows the line of her shoulders makes her look taller.  Bulky princess sleeves and dress length that almost touch her ankle makes her look wider and shorter.  But overall not bad.

Like her old songs : two of my favourite non-No.1 hits were : ‘Miami 5am’ and ‘Uniform’.  I was excited when I heard the intro.  

Like how she karaoked with fans with ‘Akai Sweet Pea’ to end the concert, after 2 encores.  

Love the logo of the concert, her Bless You look, sitting on a crescent moon. 

Love her being herself. She screamed and laughed a little when she was spooked by the noise of the streamer.  Love her being witty and sincere.

Love the little horse drawn carriage – so cute.

I am sure there are many little things I love, and a few more I don’t. But overall it’s a great concert.  Glad to see that her shows are all full these days.  Remember back in early 90s her shows were not sold out and it was obvious. I felt sorry for her but she performed 100% regardless. True professional. 

It may sound like a broken record, but it is very very important for Seiko to come out of her shell, whatever it is, to produce some great music.  If Seiko is running out of inspiration, work with someone that are brilliant. And I know there are so many of them in Japan.  Bless you, Seiko my princess.