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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail >
Subject: Re: Baby's Breath - Better Sales!!
Date: 2007/06/16 13:19:14
Reference: msg2/04061

(Amendment - correct number according
to Oricon's statistics) - SEE BELOW

Date:6/14/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Dear all,
>You might be disappointed that the CD debut in the 19th 
>position in the weekly chart.  But sales of 12,204 copies
>is actually satisfactory. The low position of her new CD is
>attributed to overall strong sales this week.  If you
>review the CD sales in the past 4 weeks, sales of 12,000
>copies could have placed Seiko in no.16, no. 12 or even
>the no.10 position!!
>But the really good news is the rebound of first week 
>sales of Seiko albums:
>2005 - Fairy - about 12,503 copies
>2006 - Bless You - 9,897 copies
>2007 - Baby Breath - 12,204 copies
>That means 1st week sales of 'Baby Breath' increased by
>23.3% from 'Bless You'!!
>Benjamin Lee