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Name: Tim <E-mail >
Subject: Re: Five star for new album
Date: 2007/06/26 10:38:24
Reference: msg2/04063

Vantic you are right.

Currently my Top 3 albums 
1. Under the beautiful Stars
2. Baby's Breath
3. Bless you


Date:6/26/1998. vantic 's message 

>I like seiko new album very much. Find that she has great talents for
>music writing. This new album has lots of 'Enka' influence (traditional
>Japanese songs) which remind me of her "kakowarete aijin". Anyway, I dont
>mind cos I am looking forward to hear seiko sing some 'Enka' Currently no 6, 9 and 10 has such flavour. The new single she sing so much with passion
>until my colleague fell in love with this song. She repeated this song for 2 hours. Cant imagine, I dont even do that when I am a seiko freak
>for 24 years hahahahha