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Name: Lovealways
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Subject: Bad news
Date: 2007/08/20 10:50:58
The so-called Seiko Matsuda Project has proven to be
a failure in reviving Seiko's career. Her new single
for the volleyball tournament did not even reach top
30. Her other appearances on TV etc did not have any
impact. What can be done to change the situation.
Seiko has numerous No.1 hits in the 80s, has one in
the 90s, can she at least has one in the new millennium?
I think she should shed all her side business and
focus on making one truly amazing record. That's her only
way to redemption. Good luck Seiko. I know you can do it.
Take your time to make a great record. May it take one year
or longer to do it. Channel all your resources to do one
great one, that's all you need to change the path.