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Name: Lovealways <E-mail >
Subject: Popularity
Date: 2007/08/23 09:27:57

Let's face it, Seiko's albums have not been doing well either. Correct me is
I am wrong, her last Top 10 album was Fairy from 2005.  A popular singer is not defined by having some die hard fans buying multiple copies to 
boost up sales number.  It's for artists who have a wide 
audience.  I am glad that Seiko 
performs all her concerts, dinner shows and count down shows to a 
sold out crowd.  That is popularity in a way. But having a good 
show and producing critically acclaimed music are two different 
things.  Seiko is no doubt an established artist who can draw a
decent crowd.  But as a fan for over 20 years, I would like to see
her talents being better utilized.  We can define Seiko's success 
in many different ways.  Unfortunately for the most part of it
her current superior status is a result of her earlier works.