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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail >
Subject: Re: Concert song list
Date: 2008/07/10 01:17:52
Reference: msg2/04150

Dear all,

I cannot read below's message.
However, Saitama concert does not have 
'Sweet Memories'.  It has a small portion
of 'Jidai' originally sung by Nakajima 
Miyuki.  I really like the 
'volleyball' theme song, 'Love is All'.
Wish this song can rebound in the Oricon
Song Chart.
My friend will watch the Volleyball Match on
July 9th.  He will tell me if Seiko will be

Benjamin lee

Date:7/1/1998. Seikofan 's message 

>Don't wanna lose you
>Sweet Memories
>Strawberry Time
>Rock'n Rouge
>Love is all
>素敵にOnce Again
>20th Party