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Name: Benjamin Lee
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Subject: new seiko single - please support!
Date: 2008/09/11 01:21:07
Reference: msg2/04154
Ayumi has broken Seiko's record since years ago. However,
I am very skeptical as to first week sales of Ayumi's last
single, 'Mirrcale World' (maybe wrong spelling). As
many of you know, oricon offers a daily sales chart with
sales volume. The week before Ayumi's single was released,
a brand new boy group called 'Shau Chi Some' released
their debut single with the same title 'Shau chi Some'
and it was very strong. During the second week, the sales
momentum was equally strong. Ayumi only won no.1 in the
daily chart for 1 or 2 days and it was immedately taken
over by 'Shau Chi Some'. On the sixth day, it was
apparently that 'Shau Chi Some's accumulated sales of
6 days has surpassed that of Ayumi and Ayumi's consecutive
no.1 record will be broken. However, in the last day of the
second week, Ayumi's sales suddenly surged and surpassed that
of 'Shau Chi Some' mysteriously. Therefore, in the weekly
count down, Ayumi hit no.1 and won by a very small margin
compared by 'Shau Chi Some'......The question is, was the
strong sales on the seventh day due to 1) 'dedicated fans' who
by all means went out to buy the single to boost up sales,
or 2) other factors that I do not want to guess..... ?
Seikofan, speaking of hoping for Seiko to have another
No.1 or Top 10 or even Top 20 song....The only thing that we
Seiko fans can do is to pre-order and support her on the
first week of release. ('Aitai' is her recent big hit
which hit no.12 in 2004). Why is Seiko's single sales
drop from a few years ago.
One of the reason is less people buying singles in the first
week. I recall 5 of our HK seiko fans used to buy the single
by pre-order or first week of release. Nowadays only 3 of us
are doing it to support her. Just multipy this by 3,000. That
means Seiko's first week of single sales have dropped from
15,000 copies in the first week to only 9,000 copies. This
will make a difference on whether the single hit top 10 or
top 20. To all the worldwide fans that we know, please
support her like Ayumi's fan support her on the 7th day of
'Mirracle World' release to get her back to no.1.....
just order the single in advance in hope of a strong first
week sales. Than publicity will say 'Seiko is back in
the Top 10'.....then it will have a chain effect
and more people will buy.
Don't be depressed if it turn out to be not a top 10 hit or
top 20 hit. Just DO OUR SUPPORT and buy the single in the
first week.....:>
Date:9/9/1998. Seikofan2 's message
>I hope that will be the case. I have been waiting for another No.1 or
>even Top 10 for so many years... but what is Seiko doing differently
>this time? Benjamin do you know if Seiko's 24 consecutive No.1 record
>for female singer has been broken by Ayumi yet? I do hope that Seiko
>can at least hold this record..... but Ayumi is still going strong.
>Namie's new album is No.1 for 5 weeks. She's been around for
>over a decade now and is still
>so popular. I think her image is still very strong, very edgy.
>Seiko has become so 'lady' and sometimes boring since Vanity Fair and
>missing you. Her look in 1996 was fierce that's where she needs to make
>some changes. Who says a 46 year old beauty cannot be edgy. I know
>Seiko can do it.